香二二 大陆品牌 芙蓉王(软黄)


产品类型 烤烟型 焦油量: 8mg
烟碱量: 0.8mg 一氧化碳量: 8mg
包装形式: 条盒软盒(每盒 20 支,每条 10 盒)
烟支规格: 84mm
小盒条码: 6901028069755 条盒条码: 6901028069762
小盒零售价: 32 元/盒 条盒零售价: 320 元/条

芙蓉王(Soft Yellow)Cigarette Introduction:

Smoking Experience: 芙蓉王软黄版提供了非常舒适的吸食体验,烟气柔和顺畅,入口不呛喉,回味悠长,适合于喜欢细腻口感的消费者。

Aroma and Taste: The cigarette boasts a rich aroma with a touch of sweetness, which is well-balanced by the mild tobacco flavor. It leaves behind a lingering aftertaste that many smokers find enjoyable.

Tobacco Quality and Composition: 芙蓉王软黄版的烟草质量上乘,采用精选优质烟叶制成,具有独特的配方,确保了每一支香烟都拥有稳定的口味和品质。

Suitable for Various Groups and Occasions: This cigarette appeals to a wide range of consumers, from seasoned smokers looking for a reliable daily smoke to those who enjoy a premium experience on special occasions. Its versatility makes it suitable for social gatherings or personal relaxation moments.



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